Generate more revenue. Provide environmental & economic benefits to society.
Demand Response
Our client base includes several industrial large power users who participate in various demand response programs in Texas. Most programs pay whether or not a curtailment is ever called. If you believe you can pass a curtailment test and can legitimately plan for such an event, not only will you earn significant revenue for your business, but you will be providing environmental and economic benefits to society.
Load Resource
ERCOT: Load as a Resource
Expected Annual Payout: >$100,000/MW
Minimum Curtailable Load: 500 kW
Warning Before a Curtailment Event: NONE
Expected Number of Events per Year: 2-3 -
Emergency Response Management
ERCOT: Emergency Load Management
Expected Annual Payout: >$50,000/MW
Minimum Curtailable Load: 100 kW
Warning Before a Curtailment Event: 10 Minutes
Expected Number of Events per Year: 0 -
Commercial Load Management
ERCOT: Emergency Load Management
Expected Annual Payout: $40,000/MW
Minimum Curtailable Load: 100 kW
Warning Before a Curtailment Event: at least 1 hour
Expected Number of Events per Summer Only: 0 -
Oncor/Centerpoint/AEP/TNMP: Four Coincident Peak
Expected Annual Savings: >$28,000/MW
Minimum Curtailable Load: 1 kW
Warning Before a Curtailment Event: Usually several hours